This little sentence is born out of our values, which we use to guide us in all we do. Our values, like those in any organization, are seen in what we currently do, and are what we long to do even more in the years to come.
We partner with God and his redeeming work. This means we partner with other organizations who are bringing light to our dark world. It also means we partner with one another in our own community, trusting that God has empowered each of us with His Spirit to do good works in unique ways.
God desires to hear our prayers and we believe God answers them. We have been very fortunate to witness God hear and respond to our prayers in miraculous and surprising ways, and he does this because He is almighty God and a good and faithful father.
Our heritage is in the Reformed tradition that has its roots in the Protestant Reformation. At the same time we have people from various other Christian (and non-Christian) backgrounds among us and we celebrate the diversity God has brought to us. We are a part of the Christian Reformed Church in North America for a summary of our beliefs check out
The core truth of the Gospel is that when the world was damaged by sin, evil, and death, God sent his son to heal, restore, and renew through his life, ministry, and ultimately his crucifixion and resurrection. In a modest reflection of that we seek to create environments that heal, restore, and renew people from various religious, social, and economic backgrounds.
Every good gift we have received comes to us from God. We are called to use the gifts that we have received for the good of our neighbor, to promote peace and justice in our world, which is honoring to God.
“The church is a movement launched into the life of the world to bear in its own life God’s gift of peace for the life of the world.”
- Leslie Newbigin
This decision was passed by both congregations on January 5th, and we believe it’s a clear move from God. This is the beginning of a new chapter, a rebirth of Fellowship, and gaining a new family of committed followers of Christ to partner with in living out the mission together. It’s about creating new opportunities to advance our values of "In Christ, welcoming neighbors and cultivating gifts to serve all."
Starting February 2nd, we'll join together as Salt Church at Fellowship! We'll meet at the same time and same place where we've come together for years. Join us at 9:30am in the Fellowship Sanctuary where we'll welcome our new Salt brothers and sisters in Christ. Come see how God is working!