
Discipleship begins at day one. Even our youngest attendees are learning about the love of Jesus when they’re here! Our Fellowship Kids ministry exists to partner with parents by providing a place where kids experience Jesus and grow in their love for Him. We are praying that God will use this ministry to impact many little lives for Him!


Sunday Nursery

9:15 am: Birth thru ages 3 ½



Sunday School

10:00 am: 4 yr old through 5th grade

Sunday Nursery

We provide a nursery for our youngest children (0 - 3 ½). It is staffed with two volunteers. Everyone who serves with our children must pass a background check. Children of all ages are welcome to stay in the service, and there is a “cry room” in the back to use at your convenience.

Fellowship Kids

For children from age 4 through 5th grade we offer a Fellowship Kids class during a portion of the service. Children are dismissed around 10:00 am just before the sermon. They are released back to parents during the closing song. All of our classes are led by two background checked volunteers. No class in December.

All ministry volunteers and staff are background checked before working with our kids.