Discipleship begins at day one. Even our youngest attendees are learning about the love of Jesus when they’re here! Our Fellowship Kids ministry exists to partner with parents by providing a place where kids experience Jesus and grow in their love for Him. We are praying that God will use this ministry to impact many little lives for Him!
9:15 am: Birth thru ages 3 ½
10:00 am: 4 yr old through 5th grade
We provide a nursery for our youngest children (0 - 3 ½). It is staffed with two volunteers. Everyone who serves with our children must pass a background check. Children of all ages are welcome to stay in the service, and there is a “cry room” in the back to use at your convenience.
For children from age 4 through 5th grade we offer a Fellowship Kids class during a portion of the service. Children are dismissed around 10:00 am just before the sermon. They are released back to parents during the closing song. All of our classes are led by two background checked volunteers. No class in December.